
毕业去向:墨尔本大学 Frank Caruso group
2010-2014 学士学位 青岛科技大学大学
2014-2017 硕士学位 浙江大学
01. Y. Du, C. Zhang, Q. Z. Zhong, X. Yang, J. Wu and Z, K, Xu*: “Ultrathin Alginate Coatings as Selective Layers for Nanofiltration Membranes with High Performance”. ChemSusChem, 2017, 10, 2788 – 2795.
02. Q. Z. Zhong, M. H. Yi, Y. Du, Y. Ou, A. He, Z. K. Xu and L. S. Wan*: “Multiple Liquid Manipulations on Patterned Surfaces with Tunable Adhesive Property”. Adv. Mater. Interfaces., 2017, 1700490.
03. B. H. Wu, Q. Z. Zhong, Z. K. Xu and L. S. Wan*: “Effects of molecular weight distribution on the self-assembly of end-functionalized polystyrenes”. Polym. Chem., 2017, 8, 4290–4298.
04. Q. Z. Zhong, L. W. Zhang, Y. Ou, B. H. Wu, L. S. Wan* and Z. K. Xu: “Cross-linked perforated honeycomb membranes with improved mechanical and chemical properties”. Mater. Chem. Front., 2017, 1, 1073-1078.
05. W. Z. Qiu, Q. Z. Zhong, Y. Du, L, Yan and Z, K, Xu*: “Enzyme-triggered co-deposition of tea catechins/chitosan for nanofiltration membranes with high performance”. Green Chem., 2016, 18, 6205–6208.
06. A. He, C. Zhang, Y. L, Q. Z. Zhong, X. Yang and Z. K. Xu*: “Mussel- inspired Coatings Directed and Accelerated by an Electric Field”. Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2016, 37, 1460−1465.
07. Q. Z. Zhong, X. Yu, M. X. Cui, L. S. Wan* and Z. K. Xu: “Conformal and non-conformal surface modification of honeycomb-patterned porous films via tunable Cassie–Wenzel transition”. RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 52131-52136.
08.X. Yu, Q. Z. Zhong, H. C. Yang, L. S. Wan* and Z. K. Xu: “Mussel-Inspired Modification of Honeycomb Structured Films for Superhydrophobic Surfaces with Tunable Water Adhesion”. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2015, 119 (7), 3667–3673.
林贤福教授 胡巧玲教授 王建黎教授 徐志康教授 张玉红教授